Busy people should choose which breed of dog?

Surely many of us dream of owning a dog, but there are many obstacles, especially the limited time fund. Obviously, the dedicated owner must invest no less time than effort and money like this plan. So what kind of dog should a busy person choose to raise so that he does not need to go to the kitchen to prepare food, or take them for a walk?

There is no breed of dog that can live in your family, obey the rules of eating and going to the toilet without help. However, there are some breeds of dogs that do well without too much attention or care. And even if you adopt two children, you will win the title of “responsible owner”.

Criteria for breeding dog breeds for busy people

Some of the following important factors should be considered before embarking on choosing your soulmate.

Exercise: A dog’s instinct is to move. They are different from cats, which can lie to sleep or stay around for 24 hours. Choosing a breed that is sedentary, sleepy, or gentle is key.
Training: You certainly don’t want a dog that is so wild that you cannot control. Choose smart breeds that quickly understand the basic requirements of their owners.
Care: Hair, nail and dental hygiene will be part of your “Weekly Schedule”. Nails and teeth are two factors that are similar between different breeds of dogs. So, choose one with a simple coat, or a truncate to reduce the workload.
Health care: Even the healthiest dogs need to see a veterinarian once or twice a year for checkups. Dogs with good stomachs, less allergies or digestive problems, will be more resistant. This will save you time seeing the vet except for routine checkups.

First, avoid choosing this breed

First of all, you should not adopt dogs with too much energy because they always need activities such as running, chasing or biting. Living with a busy person, receiving little attention will make them more likely to develop depression.

Husky is one of the most energetic dog breeds Photo: Pixabay
In addition, too smart dogs will also have problems in your own house. They feel your concern, your limited care, easily sad and frustrated. The friendship gap between the two is at risk of cracking because this dog will adapt itself to an extremely independent lifestyle.

Age is also a factor for you to decide when to adopt a dog. Puppies, especially under 16 weeks of age, have an immense amount of energy and curiosity. They are always running, learning, exploring the world around them. At 6 months old, puppies rarely follow the rules given as a child. They are extremely interested in challenging activities such as mock battles, chasing.

Therefore, you should choose dogs in a more mature age like 2 or 3 years old. Just as a child begins to mature, every action is weighed against the experiences learned as a child. In particular, adult dogs are always conscious to obey the rules you set.

Best breed for lazy or busy people

1. Chinese sausage (Dachshund)

Chinese sausage dog is the first choice for the busy person Photo: Alturas Homes
In contrast to its rather strange appearance, the sausage dog (Dachshund) has a lovable and very active personality. Their names in Vietnam are derived from their elongated shape with 4 short legs like the Corgi. The Sausage Dog’s muzzle is quite long, the teeth sharp and the belly part is slightly drawn towards the hind legs.

The sausage’s instinct works, likes to dig to keep the body fit and easy to move. However, due to physical characteristics, dachshund cannot be active for too long or too much, especially running or swimming.

This is one of the breeds of dogs that are easy to train and disciplined. In addition, they are also considered a brave breed, capable of independent hunting. Or in urgent situations, they act very cautiously. Worldwide, sausage dogs are preferred and used as watchdogs.

Chinese sausage has 3 main lines: smooth-haired, long-haired and short-haired. In which, smooth-haired sausage is purebred, while long-haired and short-haired is from crossbreeding. However, both lines are hairy hardly to cause problems for the owner to care for. So, you can choose whatever you like.

2. French Bull Dog

The French Bull has a small, lovely and alert appearance
The French Bull is second on Fonti’s nominated list for the busy breed of dog. The French Bull has a small, lovely, and bright appearance. Despite possessing a rather ferocious face, Bull France is very gentle and friendly with people.

The physical features of the French Bull are bulky and large ears, flat snout, flat nose and slightly upturned upper body. Their fur and skin are extremely soft, and you don’t have to worry about Bull France’s “moulting”.

The second reason that makes Bull France suitable for the life of the busy person is the ability to omnivorous. Bull France’s stomachs are so good that you can easily change the type of food for them. However, with the “lazy activity” instinct, you need to pay attention to balance the diet to avoid obesity.

Another interesting point about the French Bull is that they rarely bark and make noise. If you live in an apartment or a densely populated area, you should choose to raise Bull France for more companionship.

3. Squirrel

Short-haired Chiahuahua is commonly cultured in Vietnam
If you are in love with small dogs, the Chiahuahua is the breed to keep. Weighing only between 1.5 and 3 kg, the Chihuahua is a pocket dog and can go with you anywhere. Though, the chiahuahua is a breed of dog with an “explosive” energy source. But in return, they don’t need much exercise. They can satisfy themselves for their needs in a narrow space like in your own home.

Besides, you often have to move right? Choose to breed this breed immediately. Chiahuahuas can completely accompany you to the North and the South because they can fit in any bag. Chiahuahua has a temperament that is easy to train. They have the ability to understand your commands quickly, especially when scolded.

In Vietnam, the short-haired Chiahuahua is more popular than the long-haired strain. Therefore, you also do not need to worry about grooming them. If you are someone who seldom keeps an eye on animals, chiahuahuas also give you peace of mind because it is difficult for strangers to approach them. Not only that, but they also get jealous every time you come into contact with another dog.

4. Toy Poodle

Cute and gentle, intelligent and loyal, without too much exercise and omnivorous
Toy Poodle is the same candidate converging all the elements of a dog born for the “busy” person. Cute and gentle, intelligent and loyal, without too much exercise and omnivorous. The only downside of Toy Poodle is that they are too smart. Toy Poodle is suitable if your apartment is separate from the neighbors or is noise-proof.

First, poodles are like French Bulls, eating everything you give them. From fruits and vegetables to all kinds of meat and dry food, they can be absorbed. Saving time preparing food is what a poodle breeder feels.

Small in size, the poodle can be familiar with a narrow active space. Poodles have outstanding intelligence, they are 2nd in the intelligence ranking of dogs. Perhaps this is the reason why the Poodle has good, restrained behavior compared to other sibling dogs.

As mentioned above, you will have a hard time adopting a line of dogs that are too smart. However, if the Poodle has characteristics that match what you would expect, then they are well worth adopting.

In addition to the above four dog breeds, you can learn more and choose to breed other breeds such as Labrador, Golden Retriever, … Although the four dog breeds in the above list are suitable for an independent life when the owner cannot spend a lot of time. time for them, but care is essential. Try to balance the amount of time you spend with them, playing every night after going home or waking up early in the morning and taking them for a walk.

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